Clothing Footwear Bags Accessories Outdoors & Sports Food &nb......
Dear Customers, Linkallbuy has collected a few popular Chinese keywords to help you easily find your favourite items on Alibaba, Taob......
The total cost of Purchasing Agent service = Product cost + Purchase agent service rates + International shipping fee + Customs charges &nbs......
Shipping Status Not Shipped By Seller Shipped By Seller Order Status Verifying Processing Ordered Delivered Stocked-in Time to Reques......
Purchasing Agent: generally speaking, is finding someone to help you to buy goods you want. It might because of that you can't buy this......
Yes. If you have special customized requirements, Please let us know through online chat or email, and we will purchase as your requirements......
The seller has not yet delivered items: We will negotiate with seller to modify. The seller has delivered items: We cannot negotiate ......
After items arrived Linkallbuy warehouse, professional inspectors will inspect the items which purchased by us. Example of clothes, w......
1、About 1688 As a leading Chinese e-commerce platform serving SME companies, 1688 provides tens of millions of buyers and suppliers a......
AliExpress is just a platform for a single seller to send goods overseas, similar to 1688, while Linkallbuy is a service provider. Th......