Order the products online and pay for your order.
We purchase goods for you, quality inspection, pack, weigh, and store them in storage.
We ship your parcels for you after you pay the international shipping fee.
Linkallbuy has a convenient online ordering system. You only need to place an order on our website, and we will purchase the products from the Chinese e-commerce platform on your behalf.
We help you find products/factories, get competitive prices, and provide complete import processes such as quality control, customized packaging, free warehouse storage, and shipping.
When your goods arrive at our warehouse, we will inspect your products for free to ensure you receive satisfactory products.
We can help you ship items to your Amazon FBA warehouse and ensure inspection, packaging, and labeling meet FBA standards.
You can wait until all products arrive at our warehouse before shipping them together. We offer free storage for your products for up to 90 days.
We have a wide range of international logistics routes, providing door-to-door transportation services to more than 200 countries, including sea, air, and rail.
Combine items from different sellers into one parcel
Help buying online & offline products in China
10 years of buying experience
One-to-one expert service
Quick response
With 90 days of free storage, you can wait until all items arrive at our warehouse before submitting them for shipping.
Secure Payment
Multiple logistics options
100% after-sales support